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“Compelling and honest, Annette’s story details her journey through shattering loss of true love and God’s surprising design to rebuild her life. It provides inspiration to anyone who has struggled to maintain faith and triumph over bewildering adversity.”

  • Kristie Garber


"Captivating and enthralling. Annette’s way of storytelling is like talking to a best friend. It’s one of those books you just can’t put down. I am always grateful when someone writes their true self and honest struggles. She is inspirational and the book is a must read for everyone."

  • Rob Woodhead

“This is a captivating story of love, perseverance, and friendship. Annette’s life embodies hope and the human spirit.”

  • Karen James

I…sat back, took a deep breath and admired what I had just read, all-the-while trying to comprehend even a portion of her journey. If there ever was a woman who demonstrates how to “become the Truest, Purest You”, it is Annette. Her story is unique, yet universal, it is personal yet profoundly human. Reading her experience reminds a person of the importance, the absolute necessity to connect with “Someone greater than us, [someone], willing to help us in our journey, call it the Universe, I call it God.”

  • Russ MacLean

“…this book…is honest, raw, and vulnerable. I felt all the emotions Annette felt, cried, giggled, smiled as she shared her heart and bared her soul. Thank you sweet lady for the blessing of the book.”

  • Lesley McNamara

“What Annette experienced is a traumatic pain no one should have to go through, but the incredible light and hope she shares is something we all need to hear. She is a most inspiring woman. She is strong, faithful, steadfast, and empowering to all. Her story is so powerful, moving, and timely. We live in a time in this world when the message that God exists; that there is life after death; that family members look out for us even after they've passed on from this life; and most importantly that we are never alone no matter what we are going through is so important. We need hope and we need love; this book delivers both.”

  • Elizabeth Woodruff